Sportluxe-Exclusive-Table-for-12 Tonik

Sportluxe Exclusive Table for 12

If you visit Sporteluxe (and we hope that you do!) you would’ve seen that in the last few months or so, the peeps have rolled out an exclusive event series called Table for 12.

Table for 12 is exactly what its name suggests; an intimate gathering aimed at bringing together inspiring, hard-working women who are killing it in their respective field of fitness, wellness, beauty, fashion and lifestyle for a day of delicious food, inspiring conversations and all the good vibes.

We’re huge advocates of women supporting women and Table for 12 really encompasses this. So we were pretty chuffed to contribute our Natural Beauty & Wellness Supplements and be part of the last round on the 20th of March 2019. 

In case you’ve missed it, here are some snaps on the who, what, where and why as we wrap up what was an absolutely amazing event.

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