What-is-the-difference-between-Hemp-Seed-Oil-and-CBD-Oil Tonik

What is the difference between Hemp Seed Oil and CBD Oil?

What is the difference between Hemp Seed Oil, Hemp Oil and CBD Oil? A question which is in the top 10 of frequently-asked questions at Tonik HQ! 

Fact is: With the recent changes to the Food Standards certain Hemp Seed products are now permitted for human consumption. It is important to be aware that only the seeds of the hemp plant can be used for human consumption - extracts from the remainder of the plant are still considered a drug. Hemp oil is not to be confused with Hemp Seed Oil. Below we have listed the interesting facts in regards to our natural & vegan Hemp Seed Oil Supplements aka Tonik No. 4: 

What is the difference between Hemp Seed Oil and CBD Oil in general? 
Hemp Seed oil and CBD Oil differ in what part of the plant they come from and how they are used. Hemp Seed Oil is from seeds and is used in our natural supplements. However, Hemp Seed Oil does not contain THC – the primary psychoactive compound in marijuana, which makes it legal. CBD oil is from plant flowers and leaves. It is used primarily for medicinal purposes. It may contain various cannabinoids such as cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinols (THC). Hemp oil, being an extract of cannabis, can be classed as a drug e.g. under Australian law. Hemp oil that is a medicinal cannabis product may only be accessed by prescription from your doctor who is an Authorised Prescriber. Rest assured that Tonik’s vegan and organic Hemp SEED oil is 100% compliant!

What is Hemp Oil?
Hemp oil is an extract of a cannabis plant. It may contain various cannabinoids such as cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinols (THC). Hemp oil usually contains THC and CBD. 

What is Hemp Seed Oil?
Hemp Seed Oil is the oil obtained by cold pressing the ripened fruits (seeds) of the cannabis plant. Hemp Seed Oil does not contain cannabinoids, such as CBD, apart from trace levels that may be present from inadequate cleaning of the seeds. What it does contain is one of nature's richest sources of Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) and Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA).  Hemp seed oil includes the EFAs Omega 6 & Omega 3 in a naturally occuring 3:1 ratio, which is considered an essential part of a balanced diet. 

Is Hemp Seed Oil a drug?
No. Hemp Seed Oil is an extract of cannabis seeds and does not contain any extracts from the cannabis plant. Therefore, by definition, hemp seed oil is not a drug under the Act. In addition, hemp seed oil does not contain anything more than trace amounts of cannabinoids.

Is Hemp Oil a drug?
Yes. Hemp oil is a drug. Hemp oil that is a medicinal cannabis product may only be accessed by prescription from your doctor who has been granted Special Access Scheme Approval or is an Authorised Prescriber.

Why would you consider taking Hemp Seed Oil on a regular basis?
Organic & Vegan Hemp Seed Oil which we use in Tonik No. 4 is known to mellow moods, increase energy levels, regenerate skin cells & contain an optimal ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids. It’s in a 3:1 ratio in a #vegan capsule. They don't call it liquid gold for nothing! 

What makes Tonik's Hemp Seed Oil special? 
As a source of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, Hemp Seeds contain: 104% more than Fish Oil. Did you know, over 70% of the world’s fish are now “fully exploited or depleted” to such an extent that stocks of all species currently fished for food are predicted to collapse by 2048? Hemp Seeds on the other hand merely need to be replanted each year to supply the world’s essential nutrition needs sustainably. With oceans more benefits than fish oil, you need to hook into our Tonik No.4 stat!

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